Saturday, November 11, 2006

My First Post

Hi and welcome

I said i was a newbie Online Marketer and have probably got this all wrong.

It is my intention to go back six months to the start of all my activities, but as my first Online business is about to go live in the form of which is an Online Membership site, and has taken what seems to be an age so far.

There are a number of issues and thoughts/frustrations etc that may benefit any other newbie.

My first and major issue is one of information overload, which causes paralysis by analysis, and boy do i know about this one.

Every search, or amount of research opened up different avenues which i had not even thought of, and still does.

Will keep things up to date when i (or my friendly computer geek) can sort out some of the techy challenges which i keep on getting.

Nothing is that simple is it?

Blog Information Profile for koolkatonline